i thought i would just update on our life now. we are still in Smithfield and loving it we live on the west side and love how much space is out here! it works great for the kids to just roam. Payton will be eight in november and every day he says my b-day is getting closer mom and the list of wants keeps growing also! as for Elli the "princess" or so she thinks is 6 going on 26 she would love to rule a kingdom and sure does try at home we love her no matter what mood she is in! Hudson- he totally rules the roost i keep in shape just keeping up with him, he is totally all boy. im not sure if that is good or bad. Eric is currently working for digis and really likes what he does and because he is outside all day he has adopted a new nationality (mexican). He has recently took a liking to running and sets new distant goals daily for himself. As for the author of this i am still trecking along in boot camp and it still seems to be kicking my butt (in a good way i hope) life is crazy triing to keep up with the kids so ask me why i am blogging again? any extra time i get you will find me cleaning my house and sometimes sitting on my butt with my eyes closed!
So i am going to try this new or maybe old craze (but new to me). i love to look at all the fun blogs so lets hope mine can live up to all you alls and be as entertaining to look at. wish me luck!!!
all about me....it starts with a wonderful husband followed by three crazy, sweet, busy, energetic kids. with out all of that i wouldn't be me....
mom, help mate, nurse, maid, lover,fighter, counselor, referee,chef, and friend.