So back to school it was this week for Payton and Elli. Hudson thought he was going too and got his back pack on and really freaked out when he didn't get to go on the bus. I told him we would take a bus ride some other time, so he keeps asking me when we get to go on the bus. I guess i better get on that one and get a bus schedule for logan. The first day of back to school was busy i had a million errends to run and didn't really get to enjoy the day with just the two kids. Friday on the other hand was marvelious i got a nap in. But it was then that i realized my kids are seriously getting older i got a little tear in my eye and had to push it away cuz they were coming home. I think this year is more emotional because Payton goes to a different school and he can't be there to watch over his little sis or sit by her on the bus. The schools around here go k-2 then 3-5, 6&7 together and 8&9 together so we are going to be switching kids often in all different schools. Payton doesn't take a bus he rides his bike. Wow i am a freak of a mom we went over the bike route and the stops and crossing the streets when to get off the bike how to lock it up and well a few days of that i think i drove Payton crazy i was just so worried about him going with his buddies on bikes to school. But really he is my very aware and coutious child i knew i had nothing to worry about- everything went well. Both the kids teachers are going to be great im excited for this year to see the educational growth in both of them. I just hope the math is not over my head yet! Hudson and Ralei are a joy to have at home. Hudson has really started to like Ralei i knew he did when she was born but now that shes vocal and can respond with her eyes or by laughing Hudson thinks she is pretty cool and likes to hang out on the floor with her or help me burp he well what ever im doing with her he wants to help!