"well well", as doc. noorda said "do i need to explain how this happens?" I guess it was just to easy this time and things worked how they were supposed to! So yes baby #4 is on the way! Once the sickness tappers off i will be a bowl full of jelly again right now im not so pleasant. The kids are way excited but little Hudson doesn't know what is coming to rock his world! I attached the first photo so all can enjoy. (if you can make it out)
Congrats! That's so exciting! I hope your are feeling well, keep us posted!
I'm excited for you. I'll come and see you with an Arby's in tow. I've been craving it ever since you told me about it.
That is so Awesome Paige. I'm excited for your cute family.. You should keep making Lots of kids because all your kids are beautiful and so sweet. Congrats Guys!
Yay! You're finally catching up to us. So what is your actual due date? I've been wondering what you guys were up to lately-a little hanky panky I guess!
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