Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Don't you just love when you get a yell from the bathroom....... mom i got poops on the floor! o yes all day today Hudson has been eating apple chips...o so yummy but o so runny-later. He got in the bathroom and tooted well he thought he just tooted and be fore he knew it poop was hitting the floor. Then as im getting that cleaned up Ralei decided she wants to get in the shower with him so right there i undress her and take her diaper off, o poop hits the floor again. I hate when you don't know there's poop in there. What an evening full of poop!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Still Around

Wow its been forever since i have updated our blog. Life as usual has been crazy but we are still around. It felt like summer came and went we had many exciting outings. We went to lake Powell and Hudson went for the first time he loved it. He was jumping off the house boat and off rocks- i can't believe i let him. I think i must be relaxing in my old age. Payton and Elli had a blast as well. We made lots of trips to bear lake which is always fun. We enjoyed many fires out back with the neighborhood and roasted a fare share of giant marshmallows. Payton played on a competitive soccer team who was almost undefeated and then started tackle football in august. Yes i really must have lost it this summer because i said never to football but i have to admit it is now my favorite. And he rocks at it, there last game he got two touchdowns with an amazing run. Elli excelled in her tumbling class and became quite the little swimmer. Hudson scared me to death half the time weather i was looking for him or keeping him off the high dive at the pool. Ralei discovered the pool and when she would see the swim bag come out she got all excited. Eric surprised me for my birthday with a camp out just me and him up smithfield canyon (that's a whole other post). School started and the kids are going to Birch Creek a brand new school and its so nice to have all new everything it was just a little hairy in the beginning trying to get things in order. And somehow i became head room mom for both classes- dumb me (its going well so
far). Hudson started preschool two days a week and really loves it he come home singing the songs and he told me the story about Columbus sailing the seas. Eric helped coach Paytons football team so he was strait from work to football for 8 weeks, he was very missed but really enjoyed it he informed me hes going to keep doing it as long as we have a boy who wants to play.
As for me i am just trek-en along with the gang i am so blessed to have my family and wouldnt trade crazy for anything.
Monday, March 1, 2010
I just needed to write and tell myself that i am so truly blessed, and should not complain about little things like- the kids didn't nap so dang it i didn't' get a nap, or that i have to clean dirty hand prints off the doors or that i didn't get anything out of church, or be unhappy because its another day of cleaning up after everybody, and the fighting o lots of fighting, dang my pants are still tight, can't i eat what i want? Wow i could go on. I don't want to be like that, i want to enjoy everyday with my kids and be happy that they are leaving me their cute dirty hand prints on my doors, and most importantly that i can clean them off. I am so blessed that i have my health and that my kids are healthy, smart and perfect to me! And its okay that i have a little hang over off the pants at least i can work out. And as for the fighting at least they can be physical. So what brought this all on? a link i found on an incredible mom's blog shes is so amazing to me with what she has to deal with everyday why should i complain about dumb things? Anyway her blog lead me to another blog and wow these ladies who are moms , wives, sisters, and friends that deal with pain and struggles everyday. My complaints are nothing! Enjoy life even the not so fun moments- turn it into a positive!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Potty time
Wahoo! We did it well Hudson did he is potty trained! I am down to only buying 1 set of diapers a month now. We tried the first time when i was 6 months preggers and he was just not havin it. I was timer trained and Hudson was hating it. So this time around im not sure what clicked but over christmas break when the kids were home i told them to take him potty every time the timer beaped well it worked and it only took two days of timer setting. He is a fabulous pooper on the toilet, now we just need to teach him to aim when he tries standing "like Payton" is what he says. Wahoo! so here is a picture i caught of him after going potty he put the lid down and sat on top of the toilet reading a magazine, he loves the toilet so much i guess!
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