We took our annual trip to lake Powell thanks to Ryan and his house boat. We went for a week long and and i am going to try to sum it up in a few words.
(ha! ha!)
sunday: "are we there yet" repeated for 7 hours strait
monday: we found the beach and headed out. (once Ryan got done playing Mr. fix it) I wake boarded- i think it was Monday! "lets go to sand mnt." "let's play games"
Tuesday: What day is it and how many days to go? " can you take me on a sea-doo ride and let me drive" Payton would ask anyone he thought would let him and it worked!!! "Ryan where are your blue gloves?" "lets go to sand mnt." "let's play games"
Wednesday: Wheres Heidi? (on the beach) Who is leaving there half drunk drinks around? (my favorite question- i was the drink nazi) Eric, Brad and Krislyn and their family arrived i drove the boat to go get them through the channel go Paige!!! can't forget that we switched beaches- it was hard to leave the first one but the second was much better! (Go Ryan and Mike) "what about games tonight?"
Thursday:Lots of wake boarding, air chair and more good food- why is it when you are at lake powell the food is really normal but it seems to taste so much better. "wheres all the sour cream?" "take me to sea shell island" it was discovered by the three little girls- Elli, Montana and Ily. "let's play games"
Friday: lets get it all in today that we can there's only one day left!!! im past the point of missing Hudson (we decided to not bring him.) Brandi and Cori "can we go yet"??? we love you two! Someone kicked the door with a lead toe and shattered the glass- who did that? "let's play games"
Saturday: we emptied out all the rest of the junk food and told the kids to have at it. We enjoyed our last night and slowly one by one fell off to sleep. "why play games now?"
Sunday: packed up and pulled anchor! Homeward bound!
There is a lot more that we did and more stuff that happened i just did the high lights. It was a great trip and thanks to Ryan and Heidi for all!