Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bad Day

So a few weeks ago i had the ultimate scare and i really need to journal this so i remember to count my blessings! I was helping elli with piano lessons and left Hudson on the deck to play (he normally stays there) so after about 20 min. of piano i was sending Elli to her teachers house and told Payton to watch Hudson. Payton couldn't find Hudson to watch him so i am calm for a minute i tell Payton to look around the house and in the bathrooms still no Hudson. We are now at about 30 min. since i have seen Hudson- PANIC- i am running to all the neighbors houses and one neighbor isn't home so i skip her house and keep looking for him along with neighbors helping. Still no Hudson. I decide to head over to the barns accross the street when i am passing the neighbors who werent home and tell Payton to walk in their house and see if he is in there just as i look up there is Hudson in their home looking out the window just hangin out! the little turkey walked in there house and made himself at home in the meantime we were getting ready to call the police. I am so glad it was a happy ending! needles to say the rest of the day and days that followed that little man was not more than 2 feet away from me when he was awake!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hate it when this happens. I was so glad to hear that everything turned out okay though.