we had a baby GIRL on April 29th @ 11:00 p.m. i had a great doctors apt. and ended up in the hospital around 5:00. She is an angel at 7lbs. 6 oz. 20 1/2 in. long. We haven't agreed on a name yet still working on it but we have to have it by the time we leave the hospital. Labor was great i made it to an 8 and than begged for an epidural within 10 min. after getting it she joined our family a total of 5 1/2 hours my best yet! she is so precious and truly know she is a gift. she's already is a joy and so popular with the kids!
Congrats Paige!! 2 boys and 2 girls. Sounds like the perfect family...she looks like a little doll. Good luck with her name and good job getting to an 8! Hello..Im demanding epidurals at 3! LOL!
Paige!! so exciting... She is so beautiful. I'm glad everything went well and that she is a healthy little baby. I can't wait to meet her.
By the way I completly spaced getting the nursing cover for you, and then I forgot which one you wanted. Could you please look at the site again and tell me which one, and then I will get it to you right away. I'm sorry. www.joiaproducts.com
Congrats again!
Congrats.... She is beautiful!!!!!l
Hooray!! I bet miss Elli is THRILLED to have a sister! My favorite girl name was Finley. Since I never got my girl, I give you permission to use it. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be cute because your other kiddos have such cute names. Congrats on the short labor and sweet baby! I can't wait to meet her. Love you and hope your recovery goes well. Nicole
GIRL!!!!!!!! Can't wait to come hug on that cute baby! Gald to hear everything went well and you're all healthy!
Congratulations on your new baby girl! I am so happy that she is happy and healthy! Can't wait to hear the name and can't wait to meet her!
We are sooo excited for you. She is beautiful. Now you can fix her up with Tori's baby in about 20 years. You'll have to let me know how it is with 4 little ones. I'm trying to convince Ken that we need another one. CoNgrATulTIons!!!!
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