Tuesday, December 29, 2009
silly child of mine
I had to put this one on the record. I took the kids to the fun park today to burn off some energy. We were out in the soft play area kinda like a giant mcdonalds play place. Mr. Hudson wandered out of the area and returned a few minutes later with a drink in his hand. I about died i asked him where he got it and told him to take it back. he just keep saying "i can't, i can't". I was totally embarrassed i grabbed his hand and told him to show me where he got it from so im following him through the arcade and over to the snack counter. He held his drink up to the lady at the snack counter and with the sadest eyes ever and said "here you go". I asked the lady if he got it here she said yes he came up to the counter and said he was thirsty and needed a drink, so she gave him a cup of ice water. So funny- i thought he got it off someones table. Well Hudson was really happy he got to keep the drink. That boy has no fear!!!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Merry Christmas to all! We had a wonderful Christmas this year we did our usual of driving to grandpa and grandma Willden and did the party day on Christmas eve. This year we saw the chipmunks -pretty cute- and had olive garden make the lasangna and bread sticks this year. Way to go dad much easier clean up, when grandpa paul cooks i swear he uses every possible thing in the kitchen and leaves it for the clean up duty! Then we did our annual fishing pond the kids seem to love it every year! We opened the p.j.s and took tonz of pictures said our good byes and hit the rode home so santa could make it to our house. This year the kids woke up at 4:45 and waited until 5:45 to wake us up we said no way, Eric got them some cereal and sent them back to bed until 7:00 i think it was torture for them! but we had a slow morning of opening presents and playing with the new toys, Eric made fresh blueberrie pancakes, bacon, and hashbrowns yummy yummy!!! later that day we went up to the Winns and hung out and did our annual snow sledding it was a blast but way to cold. You can even see our breath in the pictures- crazy people! And now it is over, it goes by way to fast.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
So it has been way to long since i have journaled anything life seriously is so crazy. i just want to slow time down somehow and really take in the moments. Me and Eric are trying to find a way to simplify life but we are not being successful. Where to begin??
Fall has hit which is both good and bad. The bad- i didn't feel like we had enough of those barefoot summer days the good- it means somewhat of a schedule. We have been up to all sorts of stuff latley. To start Payton is in flag football again this year. Which i am just fine with, tackle football is so time consuming and i need one more year to prepare myself watching my child take someone down and being taken down himself. He started piano again and really i dont get where he got his talent from both mine and Erics piano teachers advised us to quite. I really hope to see him continue for a long time. I went the other night with some girls friends to a John Smidtch concert wow i would love for Payton to play like him someday! Anyway on to the next so Elli is back at tuellers school at dance and she is really coming out of her shell this year she has always loved to dance but so far this year she can really shake it! She is also doing Tavaci again which is singing and she is hoping to get a solo part this year for the christmas recital! Go Elli! Her and i just went to a Miley Cyrus concert she seriously loved it! Hudson, dear sweet Hudson, NOT! he has been replaced with a monster from the day he turned 3 he decided to take a vacation from his family and gave us a not so fun exchange. I remember this age with Payton it came back all to quick! We still love him we just have to remind him to find the Hudson we know. When he cries or wines we say are you hurt? are you bleeding? did the fat lady sit on you? He always responds no (unless he is bleeding or hurt) and then he stops criing its kinda funny! Nakisha tought us that to use for him- thanks kisha! Who ever said terrible 2's they were so wrong its terrible 3's. Hudson is very into playing with his friends. Just the other week i was on the phone i heard the horn of the car and i often hear that he gets in to get gum and opens the garage door. So i go check to make sure all is well, so he had is little girl friend Millie buckeled in his car seat Hudson is in the drivers seat with the car on yes he turned it on!! lets just say now Hudson tells people he cant drive the car! We had a great talk!
And on to Ralei what a sweet heart! She is at a fun age she smiles all the time and is loving to hear her voice she is really going to be a screamer! My brothers would say its payback! We just can't get her to eat baby cereal we have mixed it all different ways and she just doesnt like it! o- what to do? She is rolling all over the place it seems early to me to have her see something on the floor and roll to get it. Very determined little girl! As for me and Eric we are still plugging along with our church callings. For Eric's birthday i gave him Dodgers tickets for a game in september and told him we were going to make a weekend out of it. So the time finally came we flew to LA and hung out for two days saw his beloved Dodgers and hit the beach then flew down to San Franciso to meet up with some friends and headed to a 49ers game we stayed there for three days and saw the city wow that place is cool! Yes i endured a long weekend of sports! Really it was a blast though! The hours of shopping im sure surpassed the hours of sports! We took Ralei with us she saw her first major leage baseball game, professional football game, the beaches of southern cali and the bridges in san fran at the age of 4 1/2 months who can say that! All in all we have been busy the day i don't say that will be a good day!
Fall has hit which is both good and bad. The bad- i didn't feel like we had enough of those barefoot summer days the good- it means somewhat of a schedule. We have been up to all sorts of stuff latley. To start Payton is in flag football again this year. Which i am just fine with, tackle football is so time consuming and i need one more year to prepare myself watching my child take someone down and being taken down himself. He started piano again and really i dont get where he got his talent from both mine and Erics piano teachers advised us to quite. I really hope to see him continue for a long time. I went the other night with some girls friends to a John Smidtch concert wow i would love for Payton to play like him someday! Anyway on to the next so Elli is back at tuellers school at dance and she is really coming out of her shell this year she has always loved to dance but so far this year she can really shake it! She is also doing Tavaci again which is singing and she is hoping to get a solo part this year for the christmas recital! Go Elli! Her and i just went to a Miley Cyrus concert she seriously loved it! Hudson, dear sweet Hudson, NOT! he has been replaced with a monster from the day he turned 3 he decided to take a vacation from his family and gave us a not so fun exchange. I remember this age with Payton it came back all to quick! We still love him we just have to remind him to find the Hudson we know. When he cries or wines we say are you hurt? are you bleeding? did the fat lady sit on you? He always responds no (unless he is bleeding or hurt) and then he stops criing its kinda funny! Nakisha tought us that to use for him- thanks kisha! Who ever said terrible 2's they were so wrong its terrible 3's. Hudson is very into playing with his friends. Just the other week i was on the phone i heard the horn of the car and i often hear that he gets in to get gum and opens the garage door. So i go check to make sure all is well, so he had is little girl friend Millie buckeled in his car seat Hudson is in the drivers seat with the car on yes he turned it on!! lets just say now Hudson tells people he cant drive the car! We had a great talk!
And on to Ralei what a sweet heart! She is at a fun age she smiles all the time and is loving to hear her voice she is really going to be a screamer! My brothers would say its payback! We just can't get her to eat baby cereal we have mixed it all different ways and she just doesnt like it! o- what to do? She is rolling all over the place it seems early to me to have her see something on the floor and roll to get it. Very determined little girl! As for me and Eric we are still plugging along with our church callings. For Eric's birthday i gave him Dodgers tickets for a game in september and told him we were going to make a weekend out of it. So the time finally came we flew to LA and hung out for two days saw his beloved Dodgers and hit the beach then flew down to San Franciso to meet up with some friends and headed to a 49ers game we stayed there for three days and saw the city wow that place is cool! Yes i endured a long weekend of sports! Really it was a blast though! The hours of shopping im sure surpassed the hours of sports! We took Ralei with us she saw her first major leage baseball game, professional football game, the beaches of southern cali and the bridges in san fran at the age of 4 1/2 months who can say that! All in all we have been busy the day i don't say that will be a good day!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
school's in session!!!

So back to school it was this week for Payton and Elli. Hudson thought he was going too and got his back pack on and really freaked out when he didn't get to go on the bus. I told him we would take a bus ride some other time, so he keeps asking me when we get to go on the bus. I guess i better get on that one and get a bus schedule for logan. The first day of back to school was busy i had a million errends to run and didn't really get to enjoy the day with just the two kids. Friday on the other hand was marvelious i got a nap in. But it was then that i realized my kids are seriously getting older i got a little tear in my eye and had to push it away cuz they were coming home. I think this year is more emotional because Payton goes to a different school and he can't be there to watch over his little sis or sit by her on the bus. The schools around here go k-2 then 3-5, 6&7 together and 8&9 together so we are going to be switching kids often in all different schools. Payton doesn't take a bus he rides his bike. Wow i am a freak of a mom we went over the bike route and the stops and crossing the streets when to get off the bike how to lock it up and well a few days of that i think i drove Payton crazy i was just so worried about him going with his buddies on bikes to school. But really he is my very aware and coutious child i knew i had nothing to worry about- everything went well. Both the kids teachers are going to be great im excited for this year to see the educational growth in both of them. I just hope the math is not over my head yet! Hudson and Ralei are a joy to have at home. Hudson has really started to like Ralei i knew he did when she was born but now that shes vocal and can respond with her eyes or by laughing Hudson thinks she is pretty cool and likes to hang out on the floor with her or help me burp he well what ever im doing with her he wants to help!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
summer days!!!

Wow has the summer flown by i can't believe school is right around the corner. I was nervous for school to be out and now im nervous to send the kids back. They are such a big help at times and other times we are having wrestling matches with me the referee. We have a had a busy and crazy summer so far with family reunions, camping, the zoo, bear lake, baby blessing, dance recitals, baseball, the famous waterslide, and trying to entertain kids at home. Raleison is getting so big and she is so alert. Her personality is coming through and is so cute, she is so smiley even when shes not smiling you can't help but love her!
Monday, June 1, 2009
This is my new favorite, it gives me chills, especially after our weekend!. check it out!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
life is precious
We had the biggest scare the other day, Ralei took her first ride in an ambulance at 4 weeks old.
It all started when me and her were just hanging out on the couch and she acted like she was choking so i lifted her up and she just couldn't recover from it so i yelled for Eric who was in the shower. By now she was fighting for breath. She was totally purple her eyes were huge and she was foaming at the mouth. Eric came running in his towell and tried to help- so he called 911 she started coming around but now she was taking gasps to breath still purple but breathing we said never mind to the ambulance. As soon as we hung up she lost it again so we ended up having them come when they got here they gave her oxygen and we rode to the hospital in the ambulance by the time we got there she looked much better and had good breath but they kept her over night to see if whatever it was would happen again. It was an uneventful night (thank goodness) but the doctors have no answers for me. They said everything from ceasures to reflux is what it could of been so we are home now and have her on a monitor that beeps when she stops breathing but so far things are great and she is doing awesome. Some times i think things happen to remind us how precious life is. I know this gave me a wake up call to just enjoy my kids and not worry about anything else. I am so thankful she is okay and and loving her up even more!
It all started when me and her were just hanging out on the couch and she acted like she was choking so i lifted her up and she just couldn't recover from it so i yelled for Eric who was in the shower. By now she was fighting for breath. She was totally purple her eyes were huge and she was foaming at the mouth. Eric came running in his towell and tried to help- so he called 911 she started coming around but now she was taking gasps to breath still purple but breathing we said never mind to the ambulance. As soon as we hung up she lost it again so we ended up having them come when they got here they gave her oxygen and we rode to the hospital in the ambulance by the time we got there she looked much better and had good breath but they kept her over night to see if whatever it was would happen again. It was an uneventful night (thank goodness) but the doctors have no answers for me. They said everything from ceasures to reflux is what it could of been so we are home now and have her on a monitor that beeps when she stops breathing but so far things are great and she is doing awesome. Some times i think things happen to remind us how precious life is. I know this gave me a wake up call to just enjoy my kids and not worry about anything else. I am so thankful she is okay and and loving her up even more!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
life with 4

So far things are going well i say that with well being a word that stands for everything from good to bad. life is crazy some days and other days i just have to take it all in cuz i know it will not last. But little baby Ralei is doing fabulous i couldn't ask for a better baby she just goes with the flow and some days that flow is 100 miles an hour. (bless her heart) so we named her Raleison and will call her Ralei for short (raleigh -gh) . She is growing great and as for the jaundice it is clearing slowly but the nursing and the pooping she's a natural. The kids are having fun with her when she's awake. Which is seldom! She is truley a blessing and we are so lucky to have her in our family!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
we got ourselves a baby

we had a baby GIRL on April 29th @ 11:00 p.m. i had a great doctors apt. and ended up in the hospital around 5:00. She is an angel at 7lbs. 6 oz. 20 1/2 in. long. We haven't agreed on a name yet still working on it but we have to have it by the time we leave the hospital. Labor was great i made it to an 8 and than begged for an epidural within 10 min. after getting it she joined our family a total of 5 1/2 hours my best yet! she is so precious and truly know she is a gift. she's already is a joy and so popular with the kids!
Monday, April 27, 2009
the final stretch
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully it comes in clear view friday! I hope i have scrubbed my house for the last time while pregnant today. The doc says he can start me on Friday so i will take it. A May baby will be great i was hoping for April but doctors know best (sometimes) I am just excited that this baby can join our family and stretch all it wants outside of a confined area. i am so anxious to see what it is and hopefully we agree on a name by the time we take it home. I don't think "it" is an appropriate name. The kids are sooooo excited. And as glad as i am to not be pregnant anymore i can't help but feel a little nervous. I have to push this kid out. I think we have all been there (if not keep it to yourself, i fell better thinking im not alone). but all in all i just hope this is a healthy, happy, child and a great delivery!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
send your prayers
Eric's cousin had a baby 2 weeks over due and after being in labor all day they ended up doing a c-section. When the baby boy was born he quit breathing for 15 min. He is in critical condition and needs lots of faith and prayers. Heavenly father works miracles in many ways i only hope this is one of them. Baby Paul's parents are amazing and not giving up (as it should be) so if all that read this spread the word and add him to your prayers we all can help this awesome family.
check out the updates @ paulthefighter.blogspot.com
check out the updates @ paulthefighter.blogspot.com
Friday, April 3, 2009
Little Runaway
So i have to share this one. Last week me and Hudson were at the church (a few houses and across the street from us) doing the humanitarian day thing and well he had his little bike just peddling around the gym well a lady left and went to get her kids and said that Hudson wasn't in there anymore. Well i didn't start panicking yet i went around the whole church and opened every door looking for him after every room was empty i started panicking- mind you i am having contractions like crazy already so i am waddling painfully back to the room were the ladies were to ask for help. After a while and still no Hudson we found his bike in the foyer in between the doors so i figured he was outside. Well come to find out that little stinker walked home to the neighbors house to play and took the garage door opener with him. Well the neighbor just thought i was walking extremly slow behind him so she wasn't worried but after 20 minutes she stated to realize i wasn't coming. well it all ended up okay i just hope this summer is not the summer of searching for the little guy every day i might just have a nervous breakdown! Love you Hudson!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Miss you Nic

Eric's little bro Nic is all grown up and down at the mtc. Payton and Eric made the trek to see him off. Funny thing (i think) Payton said we should go get him back from there and hide him out for 2 years at our house. He really loves nic they have a great relationship. Payton has already drawn him a few pictures and a letter. Payton is a little unsure about a mission at this time because he feels bad for leaving his family behind, but im sure with age he will learn the importance of sharing the gospel on a mission. Elli shed a few tears when he came and said bye to her, and the next day she said nic forgot to come to lunch with me at school maybe he will come home and go one more time with me. In a few years Elli. As for Hudson "Goose" as Nic would call him he is a little clueless but will really be grown up when he gets back. And as for Nic he better keep our secret. Your a great example Nic you will be a great missionary!!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Cali trip

We took our trip to San Diego and we have been home a few weeks and i am barely getting to posting it. Life just gets to crazy and not to mention the count down is so on i have 5 weeks left (according to the doctor). So our trip it was so fun and so needed, it was hilarious on the plane as it was taking off Hudson yelled "holy cow, holy cow" so loud, he had the people by us laughing hysterically. We got so many eyes in the airport a very prego lady with 3 excited kids and a poor husband carrying 5 suitcases and a car seat. Once we got settled the fun began we hit the beach and i didn't do the sunscreen thing so we all got fried the first day we were there. We ment up with some old friends and had a blast. The fun continued everyday and didn't stop until it was bed time. We went to sea world and Payton was asked to be the child helper for the believe show he got to go down and pet shamu and do a wave thing it totally made his year. We went to Lego land and i loved it! It was perfect for the kids they liked that the best too. we went to wild animal kingdom i really wouldn't suggest that- its a rediculous amount of money and the animals are so far away just a glorified zoo. Payton and Eric went touring on a airline craft carrier on the water while me, Elli and Hudson went shopping. We swam eveyday and tried to get to the beach as often as we could. The weather was awesome and it was good to do a family trip with the 5 of us. I posted a few pictures for all to enjoy!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Okay so tacky me i am using my blog to advertise we are getting Payton and Hudson a bunk bed this weekend and we have been trying to sale Payton's boat bed from pottery barn. i always wanted it and now i have to get rid of it to save room so spread the word so i can get rid of this bed or it is going to be used as a couch in our front room! thanks so much!!!
o by the way it comes with a trundle so its actually two twin beds- its in the p.b catalog take a look!
o by the way it comes with a trundle so its actually two twin beds- its in the p.b catalog take a look!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Ellington

February 15th 2002 we had a beautiful daughter and 7 years later she has been more of a joy in our family. Happy birthday Elli!!!
Seven reasons why we love you:
You are most of the time happy and it makes the rest of us happy.
You are sooooo imaginative don't grow out of that its a great trait to have.
You care so much about others and there feelings and would do anything to make them happy.
You have such a great testimony of the gospel already, i know there is a great plan for you.
You have such a wonderful high pitch scream when you are getting teased or bothered. (maybe you can grow out of that)
You have so many talents and perform them very well.
You always strive to do the best you can at all you do.
we love you Ellington!!! Hope your day was great!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Ground hogs day
So did the little ground hog see his shadow? are we doomed for more winter? what was the results? can we really base seasons on a ground hog and his shadow?
Just a little update
It has been a while since i have entered anything so i thought i would do a little update of the Winn family. To start it is still winter here in Smithfield so the craftiness with the kids continues any ideas i will take them. Eric is now young mens pres. so for the church part of our lives we are even more busy because i was not released from the r.s. presidencey. But its all good we each enjoy our callings i just don't think the kids like them all to much the popular question at our house is who is going to be home tonight. Huddy bud has grown up so much we moved him downstairs with payton so we can start to get the babies room ready and to look at him when he is asleep he looks so big and past the baby stage how sad that time goes by to quickly. Payton is thriving in school he likes it but won't admit it, and still takes the tittle for most annoying brother (according to Elli). As for Elli she is my take care of it all girl who remindes me to say prayers and when its fhe night we can't seem to get out of that one to often. I really would forget something right now if it wasn't for her. Me and Eric are still treken along just doing the count down for this baby and all the projects that have to be done before it comes. i have to keep telling myself one day and one thing at a time. Our great looking forward to news is that we planned a week long trip to San Diego the end of Feb. yes the kids are coming isn't that why you go to cali.? All in all we are doing fabulous.
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