Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I can't believe it has come and gone. We enjoyed many festivities this holiday season the lights at temple square, many family parties, gingerbread houses, cookie exchanges, shopping, a stray kitten, shopping, hot cocoa galore, more shopping,getting stuck in the snow not once but twice, and plenty of neighbors great bread making! Merry Christmas to all and have a safe and fun new year!!!
photos to come when i find some extra time!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Boy or Girl??
Boy or Girl that is the question? We will be finding out sometime the end of April. Yes we are not finding out and for those who know me know that this is huge for me because i am such a planner. But i will hopefully have time to get stuff ready after the baby is born and between the kids i have already- i know the baby won't be naked maybe not in style but not naked. When we went in for the ultra sound Eric's brother Nic came and the technician told him what we are having so if he spills the beans before he leaves on his mission he is in trouble. How exciting it will be to go through all this and have the outcome be extra special because the doctor will tell us what it is. And as for April the doc said he could get me going the end of April instead of may 7th i am going to hold him to that!!! Wish me luck that i can hold out on not knowing what gender this little bundle of joy is.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
special day

We had an awesome day on Saturday, Payton got baptized. I can't believe I am that old to have a child get baptized. It was so special and to see Payton in his suit standing there I was an awe of my child and the man he is growing into. I am so proud that he made the decision to get baptized and I am so proud of him and his example. Love you Payton
Saturday, November 22, 2008
twilight fans!
So we did it, we attempted Twilight on opening weekend (mind you we got our tickets on tues.) The bunco girls group all decided to go we stood in line for an hour and still ended up in the crap seats in the front. The movie was still great and Edward totally grows on you he seemed to get more like the character i protrayed him to be as the movie went on. If you havent seen it yet go with no expectations. We all dedided that books are always better and came out really enjoying the movie. I have decided to start reading again from book one and to read it a little faster this time so i can get to four. Yes, i haven't read four yet but i hear it is the best.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
called to serve!
We went up to the in-laws home tonight to watch Nic (eric's little bro.) open his mission call. He just seems to little to be going on a mission i still look at him as though he is in the 6th grade (much more handsome now) He is going to the culiacan, mexico mission its on the west coast. We are all excited for him. He is such a great example to my kids and they really REALLY love him. good luck mongoose!!!
Happy Birthday Payton!!!
Payton is turning the big eight on the 20th i can't believe it has been eight years already. From day one he knew what he wanted and tried to get it well nothing has changed if he puts his mind to it or decides he wants something, before you know it- its done. He is so fun to have around the house and tells amazing stories from his imagination. And for the help he is my biggest a little compulsive about things (where does he get that from???) but at least it gets done whether i want it to or not. i am so excited for him this year and can't believe how much he grows everyday. i love him and am so proud if him! Happy Birthday buddy- I love you!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween was great this year. The kids were out of school so we held our 3rd annual costume party for the kids during the day and we seriously had 22 kids here it was a little scary. We played pumpkin bowling, candy corn races, decorated cupcakes and eat pizza then sent all the kids home. Later we did our family hot dog cookout before trick or treating. My parents, when i was growing up did a party before trick or treating so i thought i would continue it and so far it has been so fun. We invite all and we roast hot dogs, drink home made root beer and eat our selves silly before heading off to trick or treat. Tradition is great! Happy Halloween to all!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
pumpkin carving
So it was Halloween eve and i thought i was going to get out of pumpkin carving this year- nope we ended up doing it. It is really not that bad i don't know why i dread it- they turned out cute and the mess was minimal. By the way the pumpkins were from a seed Elli planted in the spring and we got 9 big pumpkins out of it!
piano recital
Payton has been taking piano for a short time now but has really taken to it. He is pretty amazing (coming from someone who's piano teacher made her quite) He really gets it. His teacher put together a Halloween recital, they got to choose a Halloween song to play and dress up in costume. He did fabulous we were so proud of him.
gardner village
Last weekend we headed out to Gardner village with the kids and my brother and his kids. We had a blast checking out all the witches and just walking around. The kids thought it was pretty fun and the weather was great!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
an announcement

"well well", as doc. noorda said "do i need to explain how this happens?" I guess it was just to easy this time and things worked how they were supposed to! So yes baby #4 is on the way! Once the sickness tappers off i will be a bowl full of jelly again right now im not so pleasant. The kids are way excited but little Hudson doesn't know what is coming to rock his world! I attached the first photo so all can enjoy. (if you can make it out)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Hudson
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Memory Lane
I saw this on a friends blog and it seems like fun so here it is. Reminisce about the times we have shared and let me hear it! What fun these blogs are!
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Good or bad but be nice.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Good or bad but be nice.
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Mama Mia
So if any of you have caught the Mama Mia fever you will really appreciate this! We got together with the bunco group and headed off to see the movie for some the first time and others the 4th. What a blast girls will be girls! We sang, we danced, we laughed and we cried and some even dressed the part! It really is now my all time favorite movie- love it! (who doesn't love abba music?) top left- Jackie, Tami, Trudy, Paige, Keva, Christi, Brooke
top right- Paige, Christi, Trudy, Jackie, Tami, Brooke, Suzi
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Bad Day
So a few weeks ago i had the ultimate scare and i really need to journal this so i remember to count my blessings! I was helping elli with piano lessons and left Hudson on the deck to play (he normally stays there) so after about 20 min. of piano i was sending Elli to her teachers house and told Payton to watch Hudson. Payton couldn't find Hudson to watch him so i am calm for a minute i tell Payton to look around the house and in the bathrooms still no Hudson. We are now at about 30 min. since i have seen Hudson- PANIC- i am running to all the neighbors houses and one neighbor isn't home so i skip her house and keep looking for him along with neighbors helping. Still no Hudson. I decide to head over to the barns accross the street when i am passing the neighbors who werent home and tell Payton to walk in their house and see if he is in there just as i look up there is Hudson in their home looking out the window just hangin out! the little turkey walked in there house and made himself at home in the meantime we were getting ready to call the police. I am so glad it was a happy ending! needles to say the rest of the day and days that followed that little man was not more than 2 feet away from me when he was awake!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Lake Powell 2008
We took our annual trip to lake Powell thanks to Ryan and his house boat. We went for a week long and and i am going to try to sum it up in a few words. (ha! ha!)
sunday: "are we there yet" repeated for 7 hours strait
monday: we found the beach and headed out. (once Ryan got done playing Mr. fix it) I wake boarded- i think it was Monday! "lets go to sand mnt." "let's play games"
Tuesday: What day is it and how many days to go? " can you take me on a sea-doo ride and let me drive" Payton would ask anyone he thought would let him and it worked!!! "Ryan where are your blue gloves?" "lets go to sand mnt." "let's play games"
Wednesday: Wheres Heidi? (on the beach) Who is leaving there half drunk drinks around? (my favorite question- i was the drink nazi) Eric, Brad and Krislyn and their family arrived i drove the boat to go get them through the channel go Paige!!! can't forget that we switched beaches- it was hard to leave the first one but the second was much better! (Go Ryan and Mike) "what about games tonight?"
Thursday:Lots of wake boarding, air chair and more good food- why is it when you are at lake powell the food is really normal but it seems to taste so much better. "wheres all the sour cream?" "take me to sea shell island" it was discovered by the three little girls- Elli, Montana and Ily. "let's play games"
Friday: lets get it all in today that we can there's only one day left!!! im past the point of missing Hudson (we decided to not bring him.) Brandi and Cori "can we go yet"??? we love you two! Someone kicked the door with a lead toe and shattered the glass- who did that? "let's play games"
Saturday: we emptied out all the rest of the junk food and told the kids to have at it. We enjoyed our last night and slowly one by one fell off to sleep. "why play games now?"
Sunday: packed up and pulled anchor! Homeward bound!
There is a lot more that we did and more stuff that happened i just did the high lights. It was a great trip and thanks to Ryan and Heidi for all!
sunday: "are we there yet" repeated for 7 hours strait
monday: we found the beach and headed out. (once Ryan got done playing Mr. fix it) I wake boarded- i think it was Monday! "lets go to sand mnt." "let's play games"
Tuesday: What day is it and how many days to go? " can you take me on a sea-doo ride and let me drive" Payton would ask anyone he thought would let him and it worked!!! "Ryan where are your blue gloves?" "lets go to sand mnt." "let's play games"
Wednesday: Wheres Heidi? (on the beach) Who is leaving there half drunk drinks around? (my favorite question- i was the drink nazi) Eric, Brad and Krislyn and their family arrived i drove the boat to go get them through the channel go Paige!!! can't forget that we switched beaches- it was hard to leave the first one but the second was much better! (Go Ryan and Mike) "what about games tonight?"
Thursday:Lots of wake boarding, air chair and more good food- why is it when you are at lake powell the food is really normal but it seems to taste so much better. "wheres all the sour cream?" "take me to sea shell island" it was discovered by the three little girls- Elli, Montana and Ily. "let's play games"
Friday: lets get it all in today that we can there's only one day left!!! im past the point of missing Hudson (we decided to not bring him.) Brandi and Cori "can we go yet"??? we love you two! Someone kicked the door with a lead toe and shattered the glass- who did that? "let's play games"
Saturday: we emptied out all the rest of the junk food and told the kids to have at it. We enjoyed our last night and slowly one by one fell off to sleep. "why play games now?"
Sunday: packed up and pulled anchor! Homeward bound!
There is a lot more that we did and more stuff that happened i just did the high lights. It was a great trip and thanks to Ryan and Heidi for all!
Friday, August 1, 2008
I got TAGGED!!!
So this lovely girl tagged me, and how pathetic I had to call her to find out what to do (how blogger lame am I) so thank you miss Heidi!!!
Here it goes-
3 Joys: kids, hubby, good food
3 Fears: SNAKES, water when i can't see the bottom (ooo whats down there?), and having a child die
3 Goals: finish Twlight series this year, finish our landscaping this year, finish our basement this year
so i should just say FINISH things -this year (Eric you have 5 months give or take)
3 current obsessions: Reading, checking out funky trees, carrying my camera everywhere (its getting super annoying)
3 Random Facts about me: i think im a little ocd when it comes to cleaning my house, i have discovered getting waxed-yes in places your thinking, my favorite show is so you think you can dance
3 People I tag: Kelly Stucki, Kelly Furgeson, Melissa
Here it goes-
3 Joys: kids, hubby, good food
3 Fears: SNAKES, water when i can't see the bottom (ooo whats down there?), and having a child die
3 Goals: finish Twlight series this year, finish our landscaping this year, finish our basement this year
so i should just say FINISH things -this year (Eric you have 5 months give or take)
3 current obsessions: Reading, checking out funky trees, carrying my camera everywhere (its getting super annoying)
3 Random Facts about me: i think im a little ocd when it comes to cleaning my house, i have discovered getting waxed-yes in places your thinking, my favorite show is so you think you can dance
3 People I tag: Kelly Stucki, Kelly Furgeson, Melissa
In Honor of Grandma Lucy

Grandma passed away July 24th we were all in Lake Powell so upon returning home we attended the funeral and burial which turned out nice for a funeral. The great grandkids sang "families can be together forever" and we let white balloons go at the grave site. We will sure miss her wittiness and most of all her yummy candy of all sorts! We love you Grandma!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Kids say the darndest things!!!
Okay i saw this on a friends blog thought i would try it out. Its always fun to hear children' s responses to questions!
(p-Payton e-Ellington)
What does mom always say to you?
p-"make your bed"
e-" i love you"
What makes mom happy?
p-when we do the dishwasher
e-when i make my bed
What makes mom sad?
p-when me and Elli fight
e-when me and grandma got lost on bear lake
How does mom make you laugh?
p-when you laugh it makes me laugh
e- when she does the rat face
What was mom like when she was little?
p-you lived with grandma
(where is grandpa in the picture)
e-she had the same teeth as Hudson
How old is mommy?
i sometimes don't even know how old i am so i will take what they say
How tall is mommy?
e-really tall
What does mom like to do?
p-play on the computer
What doesn't mom like to do?
p-you don't like to listen to Hudson when he is screaming
e-go to walmart (she is so right)
What does mom do for a job?
p-clean and go shopping
e- go to preschool and work with the kids
What is moms favorite food?
p-waffles, toast and anything
What do we like to do together?
p-go shopping together
e-play games
How do you know mom loves you?
p-when we have special time together
e-because i toot(fart) loud
(p-Payton e-Ellington)
What does mom always say to you?
p-"make your bed"
e-" i love you"
What makes mom happy?
p-when we do the dishwasher
e-when i make my bed
What makes mom sad?
p-when me and Elli fight
e-when me and grandma got lost on bear lake
How does mom make you laugh?
p-when you laugh it makes me laugh
e- when she does the rat face
What was mom like when she was little?
p-you lived with grandma
(where is grandpa in the picture)
e-she had the same teeth as Hudson
How old is mommy?
i sometimes don't even know how old i am so i will take what they say
How tall is mommy?
e-really tall
What does mom like to do?
p-play on the computer
What doesn't mom like to do?
p-you don't like to listen to Hudson when he is screaming
e-go to walmart (she is so right)
What does mom do for a job?
p-clean and go shopping
e- go to preschool and work with the kids
What is moms favorite food?
p-waffles, toast and anything
What do we like to do together?
p-go shopping together
e-play games
How do you know mom loves you?
p-when we have special time together
e-because i toot(fart) loud
Monday, July 14, 2008
Just a thought for the day.... Lunchables they are the greatest invention full of crap but so totally easy!!! love them!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
a week at mom's
Eric went off with the priests this last week and most that know me know i don't stay home alone especially for 5 days. So off to Grandma Jans we went we got their Tuesday night and we started planning our week of pure entertainment for the kids and total exhaustion for me and mom. Wednesday we headed out for some errand running for me and my sticker stuff, took the kids to the mall (by their request) to hit up the hello kitty store then off to sweet tomatoes we went followed by Target (i love that store). Thursday came early not to mention the day before i attended Brandi's boot camp or hell camp whatever you want to call it, so getting out of bed was a little tough. We packed a lunch and lots of drinks and headed to the Zoo. It was so fun to see the looks on Hudson face when looking at the animals we all had a blast there. After packing up from the zoo we headed to the This is the place monument park. We realized there was a lot more walking to be done so we had one thing on our minds and that was ice cream from the Huntsman hotel in the park so our adventure started house after house the kids discovered how the pioneers lived they did some of their chores and learned that there toys back then were not as cool as ours today and that your bed was made of feather tic or straw. I think it was a great experience for them and me to realize how blessed we are to live in a day of technology and to be so grateful for the people who have paved the way for us. needless to say when we got home we were beat it was off to bed!!! Friday came bright and early again our morning was slow and when me and mom got the energy we decided to head out to Raging Waters with Heidi and her kids. What an event that was it was fun but o-the people. Eric asked "is it like a carnival but all the people are in swim suits?. He totally said it! The kids loved it and that's all that matters, right? That night after all were in bed me, Brandi and mom sat around and got the laughs! i really enjoy being with my mom and sister i am glad we have the relationship to be able to hang out together. anyway Saturday morning i thought i could escape Brandi's boot camp- nope no way mom was in there five min. before it started and said lets go so i went and really worked hard and am still feeling the effects. The races were on again after the work out we ran to the movies and Nakisha took Payton and Elli to speed racer while me, mom and Brandi saw Made of Honor (cute).
The week flew by and now that i am home i am trying to rest up for the next thing. It was great to hang out with everyone and i am glad to be home with my hubby. Thanks for the fun mom you are a great trooper!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fourth of july weekend!
We decided to stay home for the weekend and invite my family up for fun! So it started on thursday we took blankets and pizza out on the grass and watched fireworks. Ryan and Heidi's family meet us there and brought grandma Jan with them we had fun just relaxing and letting the kids play. Friday morning Eric made his famous ebelskibers breakfast it was pretty tasty! We headed outside and set up a water slide and the kiddy pool for the kids well Eric took part in it too. Dad, grandpa showed up along with Brandi and Nakisha and we hung out until Ryan and Heidi left but they were soon replaced with Brad and Krislyn. We had decided to venture to the canal in Logan canyon. Me and Krislyn stayed behind with Hudson and Mercy. I don't think we missed much they were all ice cicles when they got to the end so much that dad couldn't stand up he had lost all feeling in his legs it was quite hilarious. Thanks for the laugh dad! After our fun at first damn and the canal we headed back to our house for a feast and it was homemade french fries, hamburgers, salads, and homemade ice cream (in honor of erics b-day). I think we all over eat or at least i know i did but if i say we all i feel better. When it got dark we headed out for fire works which was great thanks dad and Brad! Satuday morning started out slowly for me i was so exhausted by then, but i soon found the energie to walk with everyone to the good old smithfield implement! after lunch everyone cleared out. All in all it was a great weekend and i am so glad to have such a wonderful family to share memories with. check out the slide show!
Monday, July 7, 2008
summer days at the pool!!!
Payton and Elli took swimming lessons again this year so after there class was over we hung out at the pool all afternoon for 2 weeks strait. It was fun but im glad we are on to a new week of no swim lessons. The two are turning into fish Elli is actually on the same level as Payton, all payton thinks is that they are in the same class and that will work for now anything to keep them from fighting about something i will avoid at all possibilities.
Monday, June 30, 2008
i thought i would just update on our life now. we are still in Smithfield and loving it we live on the west side and love how much space is out here! it works great for the kids to just roam. Payton will be eight in november and every day he says my b-day is getting closer mom and the list of wants keeps growing also! as for Elli the "princess" or so she thinks is 6 going on 26 she would love to rule a kingdom and sure does try at home we love her no matter what mood she is in! Hudson- he totally rules the roost i keep in shape just keeping up with him, he is totally all boy. im not sure if that is good or bad. Eric is currently working for digis and really likes what he does and because he is outside all day he has adopted a new nationality (mexican). He has recently took a liking to running and sets new distant goals daily for himself. As for the author of this i am still trecking along in boot camp and it still seems to be kicking my butt (in a good way i hope) life is crazy triing to keep up with the kids so ask me why i am blogging again? any extra time i get you will find me cleaning my house and sometimes sitting on my butt with my eyes closed!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i am officially starting a blogg!!!
So i am going to try this new or maybe old craze (but new to me). i love to look at all the fun blogs so lets hope mine can live up to all you alls and be as entertaining to look at.
wish me luck!!!
wish me luck!!!
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